Signs That You May Need Bite Adjustment: Why Ignoring It Can Be Harmful

When thinking of oral health, you will likely think of cavities and gum disease. However, you are missing something: the proper alignment of your bite. How your upper or lower teeth fit together when you close your mouth plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy mouth. It also prevents various dental problems. That said, exploring the signs that indicate you may need a bite adjustment is vital.


Uneven Tooth Wear


One of the signs that you have a misaligned bite is uneven tooth wear. Your teeth may not distribute force evenly if you notice some teeth are becoming overly sensitive or wearing down more than others. Over time, this can lead to more severe dental problems, like cracked teeth, jaw pain, or tooth loss.


Frequent Headaches or Jaw Pain


You may have a misaligned bite if you often wake up with headaches or experience persistent jaw pain. Your teeth can strain your jaw joint if they do not fit together. It is commonly known as the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). It can lead to chronic headaches, jaw pain, and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD).


Clicking or Popping Sounds in the Jaw


You may have a bite problem if you notice clicking or popping sounds when you open or close your mouth. These sounds can occur when the TMJ is not functioning due to a misaligned bite. Ignoring this issue can lead to increased jaw discomfort and further damage to the joint.


Difficulty Chewing or Speaking


An imbalanced bite can make it challenging to chew food or articulate words clearly. You may find yourself avoiding some foods or experiencing discomfort while eating. Additionally, a misaligned bite can affect your speech, leading to difficulties pronouncing some words or sounds. Seek professional help for a bite adjustment if you consistently face these issues.


Tooth Sensitivity


Some teeth may bear the brunt of excessive force during biting and chewing if you have a misaligned bite. It can cause increased tooth sensitivity, particularly when consuming hot or cold foods and beverages. Your bite may need adjustment if you notice a heightened sensitivity in specific teeth.


Recurring TMJ Dislocation


Individuals with a misaligned bite are more prone to experiencing TMJ dislocation. It occurs when the TMJ is forced out of its normal position due to an imbalanced bite or a sudden impact. 

TMJ dislocation can cause severe pain, limited jaw movement, and inability to close or open your mouth. Ignoring this condition can lead to further complications and require more invasive treatments later.


Excessive Teeth Grinding or Clenching


Teeth grinding, clenching, or bruxism is a symptom of a misaligned bite. Your jaw muscles may work overtime to compensate for the imbalance when your teeth do not fit together correctly. It can lead to grinding or clenching during the day or while you sleep. 

Over time, bruxism can cause tooth damage, muscle fatigue, and additional jaw pain. Remember, addressing bite alignment problems prevents further dental issues. It also promotes oral health, improves functionality, and enhances quality of life. 

Do not ignore the signs and potential consequences of a misaligned bite. Take proactive steps to seek treatment and enjoy the benefits of a properly aligned bite.

For more information on bite adjustment, visit Perio Atlanta at our office in Atlanta, Georgia. Call (404) 352-3123 to schedule an appointment today.

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